Dementia NI and Queen's University Partner on Kids' Dementia Game

Dementia NI members, all of whom live with dementia, regularly go into schools across Northern Ireland to get children talking about dementia and improve their knowledge.
It was through these interactions that our members decided a good way to improve children’s understanding of dementia would be through a fun online game.
We were thrilled when Queen’s University and Focus Games agreed to develop the game with us and now we’re delighted to announce that our Kids’ Dementia Game has launched!
This fun and positive game explores what children know about dementia and tackles misconceptions.
Dementia NI members co-designed the game with local children through Zoom workshops in which everyone discussed what children need to know about dementia.
Primary 6 children from St Oliver Plunkett Primary School in Belfast, Hazelwood in Newtownabbey and West Winds in Newtownards worked alongside our members to have input into the game.
Our member David Gadsby who helped to develop the game says, “The Kids' Dementia Game is a great opportunity to start conversations and give children the appropriate information as to why their loved one may have changed. For me, I see this game as a great tool to explain to my grandchildren more about the symptoms I live with.”
Professor Christine Brown Wilson from Queen’s University who led the development of the game says, “Co-designing the Kids' Dementia Game with people living with dementia and young children demonstrates how the generations can come together to develop a shared understanding of what it means to live well with dementia. Receiving a diagnosis of dementia can be challenging not only for the person but also the family - this Game provides a fun and engaging way to have conversations with children about dementia.”
Encouraging your child to play our Kids' Dementia Game could make big difference their understanding of dementia so why not give it a try?