Random Acts Of Kindness Day: Dementia NI members tell their stories of kindness

Random Acts of Kindness Day, which is on 17 February 2022, is a whole day devoted to the practice of kindness – and a little kindness can go a long way… we asked our members, all of whom live with dementia, to recall acts of warmth they've experienced or witnessed...
Chris Higgins: "I recall a random act of kindness on a bus where a school child had forgotten their bus pass and a lady offered to pay for the ticket."
Allison Batchelor: "A family member was ill back in July and another member of Dementia NI called at the door with a beautiful bunch of coloured tulips. This cheered me and my family up so much. It was a small act of kindness, but receiving these beautiful flowers meant the world."
Liz Cunningham: "Once, when I was very ill, I had just woken up and was so disoriented. I didn’t really know where I was or what was going on. I then received a get well card from another member of Dementia NI and I was so grateful, it really helped me to settle."
David Gadsby: "I was shopping in M&S one day and wandering through the different departments, I found myself lost and not knowing how to get back to the door. I wandered for a while then a young man with a boy asked me if I was okay because I looked a bit lost. He offered to help me then proceeded to walk me back to my car to make sure I was safe."

Our members also have some great suggestions for heart-warming deeds that could bring joy to others around you today...
Stephen Kennedy: "When you’re in the supermarket and there’s someone with only one or two items, allow them to go ahead in front of you."
Martin Murtagh: "Buying someone a lotto ticket!"
Allison Batchelor: "Giving someone flowers from your garden or baking them a treat or just a simple smile."
Stephen Kennedy: "Paying it forward with a cup of coffee or tea."
Liz Cunningham: "Having a chat with someone, even if it’s just about the weather. It lets you know you’re not invisible."
Martin Murtagh: "Paying someone a compliment."
Stephen Kennedy & Davie McElhinney: "Saying hello to someone or having a really quick chat, you might be the only person they’ve spoken to that day."
If you'd like to do something good for local people with dementia on Random Acts Of Kindness Day, click here to make a donation to Dementia NI. All money raised will stay in Northern Ireland to support and empower people with dementia at the point of diagnosis and beyond.